Hi, my name is Sid
Front end engineer with 5+ years of Angular and React experience.

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Passionate about innovation and staying ahead of emerging technologies. 5+ years of experience crafting high-quality web applications.

Dedicated to delivering exceptional user experiences through expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Angular.

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Angular Challenges

Angular Challenges is a web application helping candidates become good at front end Angular interviews. It teaches them deep concepts of the framework through real life challenges.

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Open Beta -> Open tacos

A rock climbing catalogue developed in ReactJs, GraphQL and TailWind CSS. Open Source and has amazing team of contributors.

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Netflix GPT

Netlfix Clone with gpt support. Provides you recommendations of movies using generative AI. This is the current project I am working on.

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Crown Clothing

Simple clothing website developed using ReactJS, Redux Thunk and Saga. Stripe Payments for card related payments and firebase as the backend.

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